Intrusismo profesional

Investigan una mujer que trabajó siete meses en el Hospital de Berga sin ser médica

Los Mossos denuncian a un hombre que realizaba implantes capilares sin titulación

A member of the medical staff wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) works by a patient in the Covid-19 intensive care unit (ICU) of the Bolognini hospital in Seriate, Bergamo, on March 12, 2021, amid the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic. - At the Seriate hospital, near Bergamo, the intensive care unit is once again full, its eight beds occupied by coronavirus patients, even if the numbers are not as high as last year. "Covid is more aggressive now, with many cases of the new English variant," said the director of the unit, noting the relatively young age of his patients. (Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP) Seriate

A member of the medical staff wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) works by a patient in the Covid-19 intensive care unit (ICU) of the Bolognini hospital in Seriate, Bergamo, on March 12, 2021, amid the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic. - At the Seriate hospital, near Bergamo, the intensive care unit is once again full, its eight beds occupied by coronavirus patients, even if the numbers are not as high as last year. "Covid is more aggressive now, with many cases of the new English variant," said the director of the unit, noting the relatively young age of his patients. (Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP) Seriate / MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP


Por qué confiar en El PeriódicoPor qué confiar en El Periódico Por qué confiar en El Periódico

El Hospital de Berga (Barcelona) ha presentado una denuncia ante los Mossos d'Esquadra contra una mujer que trabajó durante siete meses en el servicio de urgencias del centro sanitario sin ser doctora.

Fuentes del Servicio Catalán de la Salud (CatSalut) han indicado que la mujer se incorporó al hospital el pasado mes de diciembre y que trabajó en él hasta que el centro tuvo conocimiento de la presunta irregularidad.

El Hospital de Berga ha abierto un expediente disciplinario con suspensión inmediata de funciones y ha presentado una denuncia ante los Mossos contra esta persona por un supuesto delito de intrusismo profesional.

El hospital forma parte de la red de servicio público y es proveedor del CatSalut, que ha abierto un expediente informativo interno para clarificar los hechos.